New Years Resolutions

Frank Vanbever -- Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The new year is already well underway and I've got a couple of things I want to accomplish this year. Usually I just maintain this list in my head, but this year I figured I'd write them down and make the Internet my accountability buddy.

Technological projects

I've recently had a pretty big change at work, moving into the role of software architect. This means I spend a lot more time in meetings and way less time actually in the driver seat doing some coding. This makes these projects even more important to make sure I don't lose touch.

First of all I believe this is the year I should learn Rust. This is a topic I've tried to tackle in the past, but with it's inclusion in the kernel going full steam ahead it's starting to feel as though I might miss the boat if I don't start learning it now. It's hard to define what "learning Rust" means exactly, so my plan is to work my way through the Rust book that comes included with a Rust installation and try and build something non-trivial like an LV2 plugin, that should be a fun challenge.

This year I also want to continue my self-study of DSP. I've got 2 books lined up: Julius O. Smith's Introduction to Digital Filters. Once I've finished that one I'm going to continue with Audio Effects: Theory, Implementation and Application which I put to the side earlier because I felt like I had forgotten too much of my DSP knowledge that I gained at university.

I also want to make something physical this year. I've got all the components for a Ruby Amplifier sitting in a box in my basement. I want to design a PCB with Kicad, have it produced and end up with a functioning device.

Finally I really want to get started with Home Assistant. It's something that has been on my To Do list ever since my partner and I bought and renovated a house. By the end of the year I want to have a stable Home

Music projects

My first musical goal is to post 12 videos of me playing my bass guitar to YouTube. I've already uploaded 3 videos so I've already got a head start.

I also want to be able to play a simple song with both hands (melody + accompaniment) by myself.


Ideally this blog would also be a lot more active, so I'm going to apply the same logic and try to go for 12 posts on my blog. I'd also like to have some feedback about whether anyone is reading these posts in a way that respects the privacy of the reader, but I'm not sure that I can easily set something up so I won't pin myself to it.

I also want to do the 12 book challenge that I did on Bookwyrm. By the end of this year I want to have read at least 12 books. There's already one book in the done column so I'm right on track.

As a last item I want to finish the main quest in the run of TES III: Morrowind I started, it doesn't all need to be work.

Final thoughts

This is an experiment, writing down what my goals are. It might be a good idea to add an additional page here to keep track of these goals and see where I end up in 2025.